Open Or Sealed? The Debate

Open or Keep Sealed? (Multiple Answers ok)

  • I open all of my Steelbooks and watch them

    Votes: 227 61.5%
  • I open none of my Steelbooks-I buy/rent Amaray/inferior Steel to watch

    Votes: 28 7.6%
  • I open only the non-'rare' Steelbooks, keep the rest sealed

    Votes: 52 14.1%
  • I fall somewhere in between-I open 50%/keep sealed 50%

    Votes: 41 11.1%
  • It depends on the title completely

    Votes: 50 13.6%
  • Doesn't apply-I don't buy Steelbooks

    Votes: 2 0.5%

  • Total voters
Feb 2, 2010
Vancouver BC
How many people open their Steelbooks when they buy them or do you just leave them sealed.

So far i have 13 Steelbooks and have opened 3 i opened Angels and Demons,Inglorious Bastards and District 9.

I fear if i open my pirates and nightmare before christmas ones i will have to modify them to be able to put the discs in and not have them in a sleeve
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It is pretty easy actually: If you go into a store and buy a steelbook, the value of the sealed steel stays the same. The second you open it, the value decreases by about 50%. If you desperately want to watch the movie, buy the amaray on top of the steelbook - valuewise you'll be sorted...

If you stay a member on this forum long enough, you'll see plenty of people having "huge financial dramas" happen to them and they are selling all or most of their steelbooks because it is a quick way to make some cash. I'm sure all these people - in that moment - wish they had kept their steelbooks sealed instead of opening it just to watch the movie...

50% of the discussions on here seem to be about "value", "collectibility" and "rarity" of steelbooks which is a fair one, since this is mostly what internet forums are about and this is also what makes Bluray steelbooks so appealing for collectors. There are just so many elements to collecting (foreign text on steelbooks yes/no, sealed/open, rereleases good/bad, double dipping yes/no,...) and I appreciate everybody who does it, but I'm not a big fan of these comments like "who on earth keeps their steelbooks sealed?". There is always a reason and usually a pretty good one...

I open all my steelbook, watching them and I don't understant why keep them sealed and with these ridiculous stickers on it :)

---------- Post added at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:12 PM ----------

Well, if the IM FS owner didn't open it for years, they are most likely not the ones to find out are they? If they decide to sell it at one point (why keeping it sealed all this time otherwise?), the guy who spent $1000 on ebay will find out - or not :hilarious:

Spot on buddy, i wonder how many iron man futureshop owners are sitting on a sealed copy which has dings galour under the backing card EEK!:D
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I largely open my steels now as my partner says "why don't you watch them rather than just stare at them" she is like most others partners i guess :hilarious:

i leave the asian ones and any additional copies for future trade sealed
Expensive ones keep sealed, easy come and go cheap ones I open, no different from the price of a normal aamray for some. For me a £11 - £12 steel is hardly going to affect the wallet if I decide to open it? lol.

Just open some and enjoy them, jeez that's why they are there.
I open mine too, as I want to watch the movies. I'm buying some that have been recommended like Oldboy and The raid; it would be a bit pointless to keep them sealed :).
I open when I'm ready to watch the film.
But some I open straightaway because the cover and interior artwork are so nice. :)
It's a rip . . .

For those of you who never open your sealed SteelBooks, I gotta question:

¿With regard to the shrink-wrap packaging, what amount of minor tears, rips, abrasions, or stretches to the shrink-wrap do you accept before considering whether to return the SteelBook for a replacement or for a credit to your credit-card account?
For those of you who never open your sealed SteelBooks, I gotta question:

¿With regard to the shrink-wrap packaging, what amount of minor tears, rips, abrasions, or stretches to the shrink-wrap do you accept before considering whether to return the SteelBook for a replacement or for a credit to your credit-card account?

If the steelbook is perfect I would be very reluctant to return it even if the shrink wrap is torn.
And now the hobby is taking full effect, buying two copies of everything i buy, keep em both sealed, 1 to trade and 1 to treasure and possibly give to the kids 30 years from now lol. It's like comics or card collecting but for adults hahah
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