Open Or Sealed? The Debate

Open or Keep Sealed? (Multiple Answers ok)

  • I open all of my Steelbooks and watch them

    Votes: 227 61.5%
  • I open none of my Steelbooks-I buy/rent Amaray/inferior Steel to watch

    Votes: 28 7.6%
  • I open only the non-'rare' Steelbooks, keep the rest sealed

    Votes: 52 14.1%
  • I fall somewhere in between-I open 50%/keep sealed 50%

    Votes: 41 11.1%
  • It depends on the title completely

    Votes: 50 13.6%
  • Doesn't apply-I don't buy Steelbooks

    Votes: 2 0.5%

  • Total voters
Feb 2, 2010
Vancouver BC
How many people open their Steelbooks when they buy them or do you just leave them sealed.

So far i have 13 Steelbooks and have opened 3 i opened Angels and Demons,Inglorious Bastards and District 9.

I fear if i open my pirates and nightmare before christmas ones i will have to modify them to be able to put the discs in and not have them in a sleeve
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Reactions: NoDingsNoScratches
Really depends on the movie/steelbook itself. If I buy a version then hear another version is coming out I might reconsider. Tough call sometimes.
I'm actually going to open my Battle Royale & Oldboy. I don't want to but they used so much glue. I'm afraid the glue could lead to a paint chip or a dent if it stays too long. I'm going to seal them in a high quality polybags and store them safely.
i open all of mine.its no secret.i do have a question or maybe a point depending on how you look at it.for those who keep them sealed,does it really matter if the disc is loose inside? i always have to point this out when selling them since there are OCD collectors out there.i just never really understood the situation since you literally cannot see it inside.
for those who keep them sealed,does it really matter if the disc is loose inside?

I guess no one likes to pick something up and have it rattle like it's broke even if they aren't going to open it. Especially someone who is 'OCD' about condition.

If I'm selling steelbooks with loose discs I always reseat the disc anyway. There's a bit of a knack to it, but I find that I can reseat most discs without opening the steel so long as it isn't a jumbo or multi-disc set. Same goes for ones that I keep sealed that arrive with loose discs. So it's not something that bothers me personally.
I open mine. I collect steels for my own collection and not with the intention to sell at a later date. I do keep them in protective sleeves to save scratches and other cosmetic damage, though.
I open them straight away. I get more enjoyment from opening it and feeling the cold metal and being able to watch the movie than I do from having a shrinkwrapped box on my shelf collecting dust.

I'm a movie fan first and foremost so I suppose that explains why I open them and others don't.
I generally only open them when I come to watch the film. Any opened steels I have are polybagged to avoid any minor cosmetic marks etc just in case I want to trade at some point. I have refrained from opening my marvel collection (Thor, iron man 1 and 2, captain america, hulk) and my japanese dark knight!!
I personally concider stickers on steel books as tragic blemishes Hiding the Beautifull Art Work , that has actually helped the steel book to be rare in the First place :rolleyes:
I remove all stickers from all my steel books regarless of thie worth !!


Join the New Revolutuion & pull off your Stickers for GOD !!!
Couldn't agree more! Or better yet, bloody unseal them so you can appreciate them properly!!! :D

Exactly !! these Fools that are scared to open thier steelz have piosoned all the New Collectors , so this is just a money making Hobby now ?

buy it , pack it in a box & dont look at it , as it may loose value :hilarious:
Couldn't agree more! Or better yet, bloody unseal them so you can appreciate them properly!!! :D

Agreed, what's the point of buying a film (albeit in great packaging) and not watching it?

Exactly !! these Fools that are scared to open thier steelz have piosoned all the New Collectors , so this is just a money making Hobby now ?

buy it , pack it in a box & dont look at it , as it may loose value :hilarious:

I think all steelbook should come sealed in black cellophane so it has to be opened to look at it :hilarious:
All my steels are in protective poly bags on my shelf, i use them as i would my normal blurays i watch them, and admire them. I never leave anything sealed as i dont see the point, i wont ever sell my steelbooks, they are for enjoyment, and mine alone xD
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I rest my case !! But allso , hold no ill feeling towards my felow Coolector ;)

EDIT : There is only 1 HUBSTER aswell ;) & his steelz that you get from him are PERFECT !!!

All my steels are in protective poly bags on my shelf, i use them as i would my normal blurays i watch them, and admire them. I never leave anything sealed as i dont see the point, i wont ever sell my steelbooks, they are for enjoyment, and mine alone xD

man, I was just like you , but I had too many & I had to sell a few that I no longer needed , and I was shocked when I couldnt even get a Quarter of thier cost back :( as these New Breed of Collector are just making investments for future $$$.. they killed the second hand Market !! except for 5 steel books , John Rambo, IM-fs , Le Grande Blue , and a couple of other not so prominant steelz :)
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I for one wouldn't spend £700+ on any steelbook as I like to open my stuff. But hey ho thats just me.

This thread always brings out the worst in some people! I've noticed that collectors have become so anal its almost become unbearable, OCD, stickers, tears etc :/
I rest my case !! But allso , hold no ill feeling towards my felow Coolector ;)

EDIT : There is only 1 HUBSTER aswell ;) & his steelz that you get from him are PERFECT !!!

man, I was just like you , but I had too many & I had to sell a few that I no longer needed , and I was shocked when I couldnt even get a Quarter of thier cost back :( as these New Breed of Collector are just making investments for future $$$.. they killed the second hand Market !! except for 5 steel books , John Rambo, IM-fs , Le Grande Blue , and a couple of other not so prominant steelz :)

Only reason i dont think ill ever sell any is because i only collect steels for films i love, i dont collect all my films in steels. For instance TED i have on amaray not bothered about the steel.

But iron man, transformers, terminators, dark knight trilogy.

Also i dont buy doubles, my OCD never allows me to have 2 of the same thing lol i only have the dark knight trilogy steels twice, one the boxset of 3 steels from germany and best buy and hmv ones.
I for one wouldn't spend £700+ on any steelbook as I like to open my stuff. But hey ho thats just me.

This thread always brings out the worst in some people! I've noticed that collectors have become so anal its almost become unbearable, OCD, stickers, tears etc :/

Jack !! I think we all think very similar thoughts on the matter , and it has been discussed a great length in other threads , but some one just told me that my IM's are worth $200 less each , because I took the blue stickers off :hilarious:

thing is , they aint for Sale !!!

and never willl be , so they can stick thier 200 sweats up thier back side !!

try taking the stickers off this ::


and see if they still say its lost 200 sweats !! , maybe to them ??

but not to True Collectors of fine steel :D

farking getting sick of know it alls again !!
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