Zavvi - Retailer chat [Europe]


**Retailer charges cards when items ship

Per update received at HDN, starting with August 4,2014 releases, Zavvi will ship in boxes again.

[email protected]

Possible contact #s:

- 08442 640702
- 01606 336169
- 08442 439088

Thanks yeslek!

Current packaging is a cardboard mailer with the steelbook usually wrapped in either a layer of bubble wrap or foam

Update 9/5/2013:

Current packaging-thanks dv8mad:

Previous packaging:

3/20/2013 Comparison of Play's old packaging to Zavvi's new packaging-thanks Zesty!


14/03/2013 By Wreck:
I now have confirmation that I can announce ... for all those worried about future packaging from Zavvi. My Play contact has been working with zavvi as well on this mission for better packaging. Between the 3 of us and the future comments from this community after its in place I'm sure it will be go over well.
View attachment 29368
from the pick line ......... :thumbs:
foam inside

1/19/2013 Member Nyvo tweeted Zaavi about packaging concerns. They said they may be looking into alternate packaging methods.

Zavvi shipping international list:
Zavvi UK

Box update1- 1/7/2014

Box update 2-1/17//2014-we're told they have boxes again.


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Just got his email from Zavvi:

We are sorry that the product(s) below has not yet been sent.

21 Jump Street - Zavvi Exclusive Limited Edition Steelbook

We are following this up and we will keep you updated on the status of your order.

I assume this is their way of saying that they sold me an out of stock item and that my order will eventually be cancelled.
The same has been happening with Moon. Downright disgraceful way to operate.
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Just got his email from Zavvi:

We are sorry that the product(s) below has not yet been sent.

21 Jump Street - Zavvi Exclusive Limited Edition Steelbook

We are following this up and we will keep you updated on the status of your order.

I assume this is their way of saying that they sold me an out of stock item and that my order will eventually be cancelled.
Been waiting on 21 Jump Street and The Punisher(2004) for a month now, and in that time 21 Jump Street has been reduced twice!!!
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it showed an astonishing lack of business model on Zavvi's part. You should organize selling discs so that they are well spaced out and don't impact on people's budgets. Zavvi know they are putting out a lot of steelbooks and people don't have limitless funds so I would have thought it was in their interest to space the selling of discs to give people a breather.......... I've very very wary of buying from Zavvi now and unless I have 100% no choice I purchase elsewhere even if it means the USA.
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As I only buy U.K. steelbooks I have to rely on Zavvi for obvious reasons - there really is no other company that comes anywhere near close regarding exclusives - forget Amazon and The Entertainment Store and even HMV with their one title per month, or two if we're lucky, is so far behind as to not be part of the race. . .
What I personally do, when I realise my budget will not cover all my steelbook choices in a particular month, is to buy only those straightaway that I feel may sell out quicker than the others and then hopefully pick up the remainder in a quieter month. . . and cheaper too.
Unfortunately, there's nothing new in being swamped with new releases and recently we had 10 on the 6th April, 12 on the 25th May and back in last December I don't remember how many releases there were in the first two weeks leading up to Christmas but it could have been as many as 25 including those Disneys that you mentioned.
As for U.S. Blu-rays I personally only buy these of films not released in the U.K. though the cases they use 'suck' and I'd never pay too much for such crappy packaging no matter how much I wanted the film.
I would not buy anything from other countries as I do not want to see foreign writing anywhere on the sleeve notes or on the front.

Apologies to the mods for going off-topic - just killing a bit of time until we know more about 'T2'.
Hi all, looking for some advice please. I pre-ordered the retro z-box with Ratatouille, received the z-box no problem, but never got a dispatch e-mail (strange) for the steelbook when Ratatouille was released. Contacted Zavvi customer service 6 weeks ago and sent 11 e-mails trying to find out why i had been missed, they told me the trade team were investigating. They have responded today saying it was dispatched and must of got lost in post and they will refund me for the cost of the steelbook as it is no longer in stock. I feel they actually never even sent it, as i am sure i would have received a dispatch e-mail. The thing is i never wanted a z-box, but was the only way to ensure a copy. So i have ended up with a z-box i didn't want and no steelbook. Can i request to see proof that they sent it, or can i contact trading standards. It seems like they are saying it was sent but i believe they made a mistake and forgot to send it and are lying to me. Any advice would be appreciated thanks ninjas
i really hope it's the same steelbook otherwise it's going straight back to amazon and i will have to reorder at zavvi (if it comes back in stock off course but with the number of cancellations i'm pretty confident it will)

Don't worry - bound to be back for pre-order around the middle of next week UNLESS, in the unlikely event, Zavvi oversold it like they did with 'Ex-Machina'.
This very rare event is unlikely to be repeated with this steelbook IMO.

Furthermore I have several pet theories about Zavvi's sales tactics:-

- All steelbooks, or 99.9% of steelbooks, come back for pre-order just before their release dates - for obvious reasons the 0.1% that Zavvi oversold do not.

- It's not just cancellations that bring stock back.

- It's my belief that if for example a steelbook has a print run of say 2,000 they try to shift as many as they can at pre-order up to let's say 70% of their allocation and then offer the remaining 30% at release date. What else would explain the innumerable examples of steelbooks that show 'Sold out' for weeks or months and then at release date magically reappear and hang around for ages, sometimes even coming down in price after release ?
Surely not just cancellations responsible for this ?
Apart from that, what about reserve stock replacements for damaged steelbooks - there surely MUST be a certain number allocated for this eventuality or for those 'lost-in-transit/stolen by postman'?
OR, for a 2,000 run for example, do they actually print 2,200 or more to cover any eventuality?

All of the above is pure guesswork/just a theory and if anybody is privy to the truth please feel free to post here.

Don't worry - bound to be back for pre-order around the middle of next week UNLESS, in the unlikely event, Zavvi oversold it like they did with 'Ex-Machina'.
This very rare event is unlikely to be repeated with this steelbook IMO.

Furthermore I have several pet theories about Zavvi's sales tactics:-

- All steelbooks, or 99.9% of steelbooks, come back for pre-order just before their release dates - for obvious reasons the 0.1% that Zavvi oversold do not.

- It's not just cancellations that bring stock back.

- It's my belief that if for example a steelbook has a print run of say 2,000 they try to shift as many as they can at pre-order up to let's say 70% of their allocation and then offer the remaining 30% at release date. What else would explain the innumerable examples of steelbooks that show 'Sold out' for weeks or months and then at release date magically reappear and hang around for ages, sometimes even coming down in price after release ?
Surely not just cancellations responsible for this ?
Apart from that, what about reserve stock replacements for damaged steelbooks - there surely MUST be a certain number allocated for this eventuality or for those 'lost-in-transit/stolen by postman'?
OR, for a 2,000 run for example, do they actually print 2,200 or more to cover any eventuality?

All of the above is pure guesswork/just a theory and if anybody is privy to the truth please feel free to post here.

nice theories but i have another theory to add

what if these numbers are false ? what if in fact the production is much higher than the numbers they are written on their site ? what if the numbers are just a marketing trick to make to product more desireable?
:mad: :mad:

More zavvi deception:

Queried products

The Punisher (2004) - Zavvi Exclusive Limited Edition Steelbook
The Punisher (Dolph Lundgren) - Zavvi Exclusive Steelbook


Sent by: You. 03 July 2015, 19:09

Order number: XXXXXXXX

Order items:

Where's my order?
When will my order be despatched?
Customer info:
The items are in stock and were ordered on June 30th. Why is a there a delay in shipment?


Sent by: Zavvi UK. 05 July 2015, 14:03

Hello Roshan,

Thank you for getting in touch to ask about the estimated dispatch of order 55296386

I am really sorry that this has not yet been dispatched. 55296386 is on special order for you with our supplier but at this time they are unable to give me a date for when they will have it back in stock. In the meantime our buyers are trying to obtain this for you from other suppliers.

You can check the status of your order at any time by logging into your account and following the prompts. Once your order has been sent you will receive an e-mail to tell you it is on its way.

If there is anything else that we can do, then please do not hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help.

Kind regards,


Zavvi Customer Service Team


Sent by: You. 06 July 2015, 23:59

If you don't have it in stock and is on special order, then why is it then that it is still available for order on the website? I don't understand the logic behind this.


Sent by: Zavvi UK. 07 July 2015, 16:28

Hello Roshan,

Thank you for getting in touch.

I am sorry for this, the product should not be still on our site, when it is out of stock. I will pass this onto the correct team.

I apologise for the inconvience with this order.

If there is anything else that we can do, then please do not hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help.

Kind regards,

Alex Customer Service Team


Sent by: You. 07 July 2015, 17:36

Not anything agains you personally, Alex, but why do I get the feeling that someone is not telling the truth in this matter? Is it because I managed to get them at the discounted rate and you are NOT willing to fulfill the order? What if I order again at the regular price? I am almost betting that they will be shipped out immediately.

This is the THIRD time an order has not been honoured by zavvi and I am extremely disappointed with the service being provided. The order better not be cancelled at this point and be fulfilled at whatever it costs you. You accepted the order when it was available (and still is available for BOTH steelbooks) and it needs to be honoured at this point.

This is becoming a trend with zavvi and is not doing anything to help your image. I will most certainly be posting this correspondence in its entirety on forums so that people are aware of your deceptive practices.

While appreciate that Zavvi eventually sent me a replacement copy of the Karate Kid for the scratched one they originally sent, I would have preferred it if the second copy they sent wasn't scratched as well!! Wtf lol
I had never had problems with Zavvi except one steelbook that had a small issue, but it was never as bad as some people on here so I was never unhappy
But I've been waiting for Batman Akham knight for over a month now, the 1 st package apparently got lost and they sent a new one monday 13th. (should have arrived before or on the 22nd)
STILL HAS NOT ARRIVED ! They've made me sign papers to confirm that I had never received th 1 st package and have thrown me like a tennis ball between different of their people. I'm really fed up ! They've been so unprofessional !
I asked for the tracking number for this replacement so I can follow where it actually is and I got an answer from another of their employees telling me that I would get info upon despatch .... SAY WHAT?? It was sent 11 days ago

I've found some steelbooks I had pre-ordered with them on other websites so I've cancelled many (except Ant-man...for now).
They won't really care but that made me feel like I was standing up for myself lol.

I'm really tired of being kept in the dark.

Sorry for the rambling but I saw that thread and thought it was the best place to let it out.
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I recently received a copy of Moon that looked as though someone had trodden on it :(. I sent the usual message for return / replace on Sunday 12th July and to my surprise received a reply and Collect+ label later that afternoon; the speediest reply I have ever received from Zavvi :thumbs::thumbs:.

Returned the steel the following day and it was confirmed on the Collectplus site as delivered to the Hut Group on Wednesday15th. Downhill from there and back to the usual service from Zavvi. Sent a message on Tuesday explaining that the steelbook had been received but no confirmation and gave tracking details. Reply received yesterday saying it hadn't been received and to forward a copy of the receipt. I doubt very much that my message had even been read in full but perhaps they do need confirmation. I thought that they would be able to check from the tracking number :dunno:.

I do wonder at times if the Customer Service reps have been set hard to obtain targets for replying to queries and that as a result some of the responses are as brief as possible and putting the onus on the customer to provide more information ...... who knows?? Perhaps they don't have many CS reps?

Something, somewhere, appears to be wrong if an item is not shown as returned over a week after receipt, unless this is the norm? My wait continues .......:(
got an answer from them, I had asked many times for a tracking number but they keep avoiding answering me.
In their answer I got the robotic response "delivery can take up to 21 days".

This is the second time this happens, I'm so pissed! They are complete unprofessionals!! No respect for their clients!
Anyone know how to change your delivery address on the Zavvi site? I know it sounds like an easy question but i cant for the life of me find it anywhere.

I know that you cant change the address in an order, so do you have to cancel all of your orders and then do it?

Im moving house in a month and i figured i will change the address now for any upcoming releases.