HMV / Xtra-Vision - SteelBook Retailer Thread [UK/Ireland]

This is a general thread to discuss your experiences with this retailer in regards to ordering and receiving Steelbooks. As of 8/29/2013, the site says they are working on improved website.



This store ships UK/IRELAND ONLY.


Typical example of packaging:
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Of all the steelbooks, I've only had one arrive damaged and this was a slight scuff mark on the front. Never had a problem with their packaging, always arrived in cardboard boxes and never had a steelbook arrive in a jiffy bag.

Play have been the worst for steelbooks compared and they have the amazing packaging!

How long have you worked there? :hilarious:
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Never in my entire life. :hilarious:

I've just not been as unlucky as some on here with HMV, apart from some ridiculous prices, I've never had a problem with HMV that can't be sorted.
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Went into HMV today to see what steelbooks they had available and the prices are so random and ridiculous. For example Ted is now £25 in there. Both the Ninja Scrolls steelbook and amaray are £23 yet the Safe House steelbook is £25 and the amaray is £15. Then while standing in the store I can use my phone to use the click and collect to get Safe House for £11 :hilarious:

Forgot to mention I got a £5 voucher off my next in store purchase over £50, doubt ill get round to using I but its nice I suppose.
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Have to say that having been supporter of HMV online (not stores mind) my feelings towards them took a nosedive. Now had a TDKR which is not only a rattler but has a broken spigot (you can hear it rattling) and remarkably good CS from them. New one on it's way.
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From the Dark Knight Rises thread:

You can now add lying to your face as another reason to despise HMV :violent:

I called customer service yesterday asking why my order (placed on the 3rd for discount code) had not yet shipped, and was told there was a payment problem on my end (there wasn't).

When i asked for the payment to be retried over the phone, i was told their network would not accept a new payment and that the order would have to be cancelled and a new order created :ugh:

I immediately refused this as i already knew they were having stock problems (at least), and a
totally new order was highly unlikely to be honored.

But the dumb lying bint insisted that was the only way to proceeded if i wanted the steel.

The result?
24 hours later and there is no new order on my HMV account, no funds taken from my card, and a email from HMV saying that my original order has been cancelled. :BS:
even went through the charade of confirming which card i was using & checking the correct delivery address. :mad:


Of course i have now deleted all my reamining orders with HMV (Total Recall & Skyfall), but i'm not sure if i even want to set foot again in one of their shops.... but i need this final part of the film trilogy, even if the artwork is bland & boring.
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No surprise there then. It'll be a shame if they do shut down. I guess they would keep their online store running or at least sell that part off and hopefully that means we'll continue to get exclusives from them.
Hi all can anyone needs some advice i live in am email saying Australia and i ordered expendables 2 i received an email on 6.12.12 saying it was on its way but still no steelbook when do i start to panic. How long does it take to get over to Australia
I'm sick of HMV now. I've got my 20% off code, but every Steelbook I plan to use it on either goes up in price or goes OOS. It's a joke, I couldn't give a damn if they go under with their ridiculous prices and shoddy packaging. £14 for titles are selling for less than a tenner? £23 for Ninja Scroll? £25 for The Bourne Legacy, are you having a ****ing giraffe?
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