Iron Man (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Kimchidvd Exclusive #12) [Korea]

Choi Chungkwon

Premium Supporter
Jan 28, 2013
South Korea
Release date: December 5, 2014
Purchase links: Lenticular (SOLD OUT) - 1/4 Slip (SOLD OUT) (Pre-order on November 10 at 11 PM Korea time UTC+9. UK: 2 PM GMT / USA (east) 9 AM / USA (west) 6 AM ) Please use the following timezone converter to find out the time in your area
$42.90$ (after 3 days, $44.99)
Package detail:
2 discs
- Lenticular
- 1/4 slip
Print run: 3.7K
1850 for Oversea, 1850 for Local
Order Limit Qty:
Lenticular Edition : 2 per order
1/4 Slip : 1 per order

Paramount approved artwork




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That sucks you lost two packages from Japan. It does make you question if it is really worth it or not. I guess maybe just step back and take a breather might be a good option and just buy smaller amounts.

I do agree that Tony needs to be more responsive in his communication. It can be frustrating at times. I hope everything works out for you and everyone else who has packages missing or being held. Nothing worse than the anticipation of something you really want and to only see it go missing or confiscated for some stupid reason.
Actually the packages from Japan were sent by me to members in the UK whilst I used to work in Japan.

I do order in small quantities due to customs limit. I hope that the issue is resolved amicably.
Thanks a lot @MrBMT mate. Also I would add that that the letter reached us (the recipients) on the 24th and a reply was expected by 2nd of Jan knowing that it is a holiday period which is draconian.
No problem, I mentioned something along those lines in the letter I'll be sending myself and that they should expect to be receiving some similar letters from others as I provided a template for those on a forum.

I've added it again in the spoiler so that those who only read the last page can hopefully see it too.

<Your Address>

<Date goes here>

Reference: <Reference number from letter>

Dear Sir/Madam,

On 24th December I received notification that a blu-ray film I had ordered is believed by yourselves to be counterfeit and that you intend to destroy it.

The item in question being Iron Man Steelbook Lenticular Limited Edition (Kimchidvd Exclusive No.12) which was purchased directly from KimchiDVD’s official online store at the following URL:

I object to your destruction of these goods, as I believe that you have made a mistake for the following reasons:

You state the items are "Recorded DVD". When in fact the goods are not DVDs, but blu-ray disks. If you attempted to establish that they they were genuine DVDs, they would not be found to be as they are not DVDs at all.
You say FACT is the right holder, yet they are extremely unlikely to have any idea about the licensing agreements for a film in South Korea, considering they are a UK organisation and would not have any involvement with the film licensing in a foreign country nor be granting any the rights to the film in this situation.

In addition, Steelbook cases are manufactured by one company - Scanavo - and before they produce them they have to have the artwork licensed by the rights holders, etc. Why would they be granted a license to produce Steelbooks for a film when the Steelbooks were requested by a company that had no rights to distribute the film?

If you were to contact the licensee for Iron Man in South Korea, I am sure they would confirm for you that these are genuine licensed products - people I know involved in the Steelbook community inform me that it is not the first time Border Force have made this mistake with regards to Steelbooks ordered from KimchiDVD and that last time it was cleared up by the licence holder/KimchiDVD providing documents proving that they were officially licensed, genuine products.

KimchiDVD has been selling films and Steelbooks for years and are a respected, well known retailer throughout the worldwide Steelbook community, if they were ever found to be providing counterfeit films it would ruin their reputation.

I request that you do not destroy my copy as I do not believe you are correct and that you perform a proper investigation into my claims.

You can contact me via email: <email address>
Or via phone: <phone number>

<Your Name>
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I expect to receive my letter tomorrow (or the steel itself with any luck;))
If it also gives me until the 2nd of January to reply I will not be impressed. And probably on the phone to them all day talking to anyone that will listen.
This is a sticky situation indeed I feel bad for all you that haven't receive your orders, I hope something can be resolve and you receive your stuff eventually it would be a shame to have perfectly legit good steels such as these being destroyed.

The future looks a little different now me personally am goner be thinking long and hard before ordering from them again if something like this can happen guess it could easily happen with the other Korean retailers as well. If kimchi get into hot water over the false prices on the invoices then that might force them to operate within the law one hundred percent for future releases. What I don't get though even if the invoices had the correct prices could they still hold the parcels and say they are fake and they will be destroyed because if that is indeed the case then I'm not risking losing money like that in the near future.
first of all, i'm with you guys who suffer from these kind of problems with customs in your country. i hope you can sort this sh*t out.
as for the lack of communication of kimchi CS (= tony) i want to add, that not too long ago we had to hear that tony had some health issues going on and was going to hospital for it. kimchi order fulfillment is still on i reckon, but it might be the case that tony really took a week or two off for regaining full health. i hope we hear something from him soon!
and by the way, where is @Choi Chungkwon ?
Border Force have seized these packages on suspicion of being counterfeint goods.

Its got nothing to do with what is declared on the custom slip which you are refering to @razr24788
Border Force have seized these packages on suspicion of being counterfeint goods.

Its got nothing to do with what is declared on the custom slip which you are refering to @razr24788
Yeah they don't seize them when it's VAT related, they just bill you, if they think you are at it. These were seized due to some jobsworth apparently thinking they are fake!
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Nowdays I'm closing my years on working side. no time to check the thread due to super busy.

anyway I briefly read the post about boarder force problem, they insisted that all kimchidvd iron man is fake not genuine product.

sometimes it does happen when company export prouct like DVD, Blu-ray, compact disc etc which contains movie, music etc.

Last time it happed in US and German, All imported steelbook from kimchidvd is returned back or destroyed. so it will be decided up to staff in customs.

Today I called him to wake up and talk about this big issue coming from UK boarder force. but he did not answer my call.

regularly tony replied to email once a week or twice a week. he is only one who can reply all cusomter service inquiry and packing and shiping and making steelbook

for Kimchidvd, it means that you have to be patience until he reply to your mail, I already post same info on kimchidvd retailer thread,

Last time I have heard from him, he will change shipping service from K-Packet to Royal mail by Pantos forwarding company from dallas buyers club shpping.

Royal mail by Pantos told tony that this kind of issue will not be happened again after he changed shipping service.

I think nex time it will not be happed again, so we need to concentrate resolutions to make results happy.

I'm sure I will call him agin to let him know what's going on . he will reply to your mail soon before next monday.
I received my order last week and my lenticulars were both damaged. I tried getting in touch with him, but can't get an answer. My friend's order had the wrong address, and it shows the correct address the website. So he hasn't received his either and hasn't gotten a response as well. Mine were Christmas gifts, so it wasn't a very merry Christmas for my friend whom I read going to give it too. Just a little disappointed with this release as you can imagine.
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Damn I definitely feel for everyone here. Reading this thread makes me want to just resort to eBay instead of just purchasing directly from the website >.<. I hope that all of you guys end up getting your steels and that this gets sorted out.
Wow this thread went from exciting to boring, to depressing :/

I was initially upset because my 1/4 slip had a mis-aligned spine, but now I'm just counting my blessings because I actually got it undamaged.

I hope everyone who hasnt received their package yets gets them soon. Sorry to hear about all the unfortunate delays...
I think Tony is doing his best to destroy his own reputation. The standard of customer service from Kimchi has been very poor recently. I do think that a few here are a little bit hypocritical and should give Tony opportunity to resolve the issue but admittedly it is looking increasing unlikely that this will reach a satisfactory conclusion.
Zavvi wished they had Tony's reputation. Tony was targeted and set up for this BS. There will be changes forthcoming and the "how to beat customs" tutorials may cause crackdowns. :whistle:
Well, my postman has just been and I still have no letter from Border Force or any Iron Man discs :( assuming I am getting a letter thats another day less (actually 2 days less as no more post until Monday) for me to respond :(

I think what has happened is lot of parcels arriving from South Korea with a value marked as $20.00
It may be Border Force have noticed this is not the correct price and is avoiding Vat Duty payment to the UK which is an criminal offence
This can happen with popular releases and importing of goods they do watch out for this on occasions

They have for some reason decided to list these as counterfeit goods instead of listing non payment of VAT Duty

You may be successful in avoiding destruction of the seized parcels if you comply with the letter you received but the real value of the goods will most likely will have to be declared and VAT Duty be paid and other costs for return of your parcel

Bingo! Does anyone think Border Force and UK Customs aren't aware of the "beat customs" tutorials on this forum and others?

Every Asian release, the newbie importers ask how to do it, what amount to claim and how to claim the decided values.

Every hot Asian release there's the same few and now many, come out of the woodwork with the flaming torches and pitchforks. Not to mention a large steelbook operation that is taking a beating on their business savvy.

And now Border Force claims someone has stepped forward and identified the seized goods as "having been examined by the rights holder and have been confirmed to be infringing an intellectual property right."

The most anticipated Asian release of 2014 has been KimchiDVD's "Iron Man" Blu-ray steelbooks. A coincidence of timing in this wrongful, vindictive, seizure?

Well, let's see who the "rights holder" is... FACT? :naughty:
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oh, well my letter is on the way back so we'll see what happens, this would have been my first foray into asian steelbooks, if it doesn't work out i can't say i'm too bothered as long as i get my money back.

Border Force - protecting the UK from terrorist Steelbooks