Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (Blu-ray SteelBook) (HDzeta Exclusive No.5) [China]

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Feb 1, 2011
Release date: 2016 (TBC)
Purchase link: TBA
Price: TBA
Note: English Text, Glossy finish & Embossing
HDN Group Buy: Full Slip - Lenti - 1/4 Slip - Boxset

Lenticular | Full Slip | Quarter Slip | Boxset

T3-lenti.jpg T3- Fullslip.jpg T3- quarter slip.jpg T3-boxset.jpg

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I don't have Terminator 3 on Blu ray only have it on DVD

So this will be a easy decision to order
Instant purchase to complete my Terminator Trilogy Steelbook collection
I already have Terminator Steelbook and Terminator 2 Judgement day Steelbook
Hmmm. Might have to get this. Really need T3 to complete my collection.

If it's the same as a possible future UK version (like KING KONG) I'd just stick with the UK version though as it would be cheaper all round.
hmmmm, im tempted, but no thanks. I have the Terminator 3 German steelbook, although it has german text ill stick with it untill an inevitable Zavvi release as this would be too costly for a 'meh' movie.
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It's funny. I've been seeing comments from loads of members on here and other forums for years about how badly they wish there was a proper collector's steel of T3. I always wondered if anyone was ever gonna actually do it. Now HDZeta steps up and decides to do it, and a bunch of people are wondering why. To me it makes great sense. Everyone knows this isn't the strongest movie of the franchise (though I enjoyed it just fine personally). But this is to complete the set. Simple.
It's funny. I've been seeing comments from loads of members on here and other forums for years about how badly they wish there was a proper collector's steel of T3. I always wondered if anyone was ever gonna actually do it. Now HDZeta steps up and decides to do it, and a bunch of people are wondering why. To me it makes great sense. Everyone knows this isn't the strongest movie of the franchise (though I enjoyed it just fine personally). But this is to complete the set. Simple.

For me, it's all down to HDzeta being a premium label whose releases are of high quality, few and far between in number and much sought after, thereby commanding the high prices they fetch in both the primary and secondary markets.

Those releases have also tended to concentrate on classics of the cinema including "Lawrence of Arabia", "Gladiator" and the forthcoming "Saving Private Ryan". (I'm aware of "How to Train Your Dragon" and don't need reminding of its inclusion).

"Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" is generally considered the weakest of the four "Terminator" movies, although I'm inclined to agree with @leelee17 , having seen the trailer for "Terminator: Genisys", that the new film looks likely to supersede this as the worst of the series.

I just don't think that this particular film is worthy of the special HDzeta treatment. It's rather akin to including a trashy novelette in a collection great literary works or a cheap bottle of plonk in a collection of fine wines.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a great fan of the "Terminator" franchise and I even own the German Steelbook, for the sake of completeness. To satisfy the completist in me, I may even get this release, depending on the artwork. I just feel that there are plenty of titles out there which are far more deserving of an HDzeta makeover.
For me, it's all down to HDzeta being a premium label whose releases are of high quality, few and far between in number and much sought after, thereby commanding the high prices they fetch in both the primary and secondary markets.

Those releases have also tended to concentrate on classics of the cinema including "Lawrence of Arabia", "Gladiator" and the forthcoming "Saving Private Ryan". (I'm aware of "How to Train Your Dragon" and don't need reminding of its inclusion).

"Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" is generally considered the weakest of the four "Terminator" movies, although I'm inclined to agree with @leelee17 , having seen the trailer for "Terminator: Genisys", that the new film looks likely to supersede this as the worst of the series.

I just don't think that this particular film is worthy of the special HDzeta treatment. It's rather akin to including a trashy novelette in a collection great literary works or a cheap bottle of plonk in a collection of fine wines.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a great fan of the "Terminator" franchise and I even own the German Steelbook, for the sake of completeness. To satisfy the completist in me, I may even get this release, depending on the artwork. I just feel that there are plenty of titles out there which are far more deserving of an HDzeta makeover.

-"I just feel that there are plenty of titles out there which are far more deserving of an HDzeta makeover."
Here, here. Well put.
I own the German Steelbook which is enough for me for T3, but I'm interested to see what the whole package will look like
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the reason I might be buying this steelbook is not the movie but the cover art on the steelbook.
I have seen nondescript, B rated horror flicks and other awful films IMO get steelbook releases over the years. For me this doesn't fall into either category. It is part of a great story with a huge fan base. Not all films will be a homerun within the series. This is OK. Neither bad nor great. Middle of the road. I for one can't wait to see how this develops and the impending GB granted there are no studio obstructions.

Bring on T3 then T4 next
I am excited :thumbs:. This is not the best one from the series, but it's so rare that Arnie / Sly flicks get Asian Premium Steel treatment:drool::drool::drool:.
Let's analysie it for the moment:
* Kimchi had already done T2 so HDZeta should do the 1, 3, 4.
* The 4th have already have a lot of versions form all over the world.
* The First one - has 2 or maybe even three different art works.

But the third one has only one...lazy poster like artwork.
So in my opinion it's good:)

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