The Avengers (3D Blu-ray Viva Metal Box) [Singapore]


Avenging Ninja
Premium Supporter
May 24, 2011
Release date : 29 August 2012
Price : S$59.90. No online pre-order available. Group Buy Link (only available to those who qualify)


Member pictures courtesy of AprilArrow:
Front cover and Front of VMB

Front cover and Back of VMB

Inside with disc

Inside without disc


Embossing of slipcover!
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hi, where did you guys get the info regarding this version of avengers has steelbook copy? i asked my local singapore store regarding this and they said that for the avengers 3D version, there will be no steelbook copy, only the 2D version has the steelbook.

jus wondering where you guys find out as i myself is interested in getting this.
hi, where did you guys get the info regarding this version of avengers has steelbook copy? i asked my local singapore store regarding this and they said that for the avengers 3D version, there will be no steelbook copy, only the 2D version has the steelbook.

jus wondering where you guys find out as i myself is interested in getting this.

Errrkkkk? :ohno:
hi, where did you guys get the info regarding this version of avengers has steelbook copy? i asked my local singapore store regarding this and they said that for the avengers 3D version, there will be no steelbook copy, only the 2D version has the steelbook.

jus wondering where you guys find out as i myself is interested in getting this.

Which Singapore store did you ask?
I believe the group buy is sold out on this one and everything. Would be a pain if it a) It wasn't a Steelbook b) It wasn't 3D and C) Didn't have a slipcover :(

I also find it strange that there's still no link for buying it. Where did the photo of the item come from??
it would be awesome if the slipcover was lenticular

That would just be rubbing salt into the wounds of the people who were unable to get in on the group buy (like myself). But i'm still hoping. There is an eBayer with 10 copies available for sale, but he's charging closer to $80 for this movie sigh...and no idea what freight shipment means. Could take up to a month to deliver I guess? That would defeat the whole purpose of the Aug 29th release.
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Don't worry guys, I'll pop by my usual shop and ask about it.
He's the one who told me the coming steelie is Avengers, I'll try to confirm it.

Chan, TS is another retailer that sells mostly hong kong series and Chinese DVD.
The sales might not know what's happens in the blu-ray arena.
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i think if this is not steelbook, then lots will cancel :( i hope it is, ill be so gutted if its not

You think so? Hmm I know if this one isn't a steel then probably every other version available wont be a steel either. Disney/Bunea Vista officially own the distribution rights to this title and there last few releases have all been metal boxes. Either way I wont cancel my GB commitment.
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Guys, a couple of us in Singapore, i.e. FM, Alex, Alvin (blackberry) and I are trying to find out more information as the date draws closer...

I got the picture direct from the retailer (who said it came straight from the distributor)...the price I have reflected in the GB is also based on what the retailer has advised. Now, whether it is a steelbook or a Viva, we can never be sure, but as noted, the slipcover says so, and Alvin has also seen a poster in the local mall last weekend promoting this item as a pre-order, and the poster also says steelbook.

Whether the item comes with a slipcover, again, based on the pic and the poster, it appears so. If I may use John Carter Viva SG as an example, the promotion poster was exactly what the actual item eventually looked like.

If anyone is likely to cancel on the GB if it is not a steelbook, or if it doesnt have a slipcover, please post on the GB thread, or PM me, I will update the list, and let people on the reserve list partake in the GB, not that big a deal to me.
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