Thor (3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Blufans Exclusive #14) [China]


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Sep 25, 2012
Release date: April, 2015
Print run: 2000 (1300 for Lenticular & 700 for 1/4 slip)
Notes: 3D+2D region free discs. 3D disc is worldwide edition.
WEA embossed front steelbook with WEA full height lenticular slip cover.
Finish will be matte with spot gloss
Includes 4 postcards similar to IM finish.
Group buy: HDN Blufans Marvel GB


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Personally I don't buy two steelbooks of the same movie unless the artwork on both are amazing. And I wouldn't expect people with the HMV version to want this one because it's not much of a difference. Not everyone has to like every release and I don't releases like this ruins the hobby, not yet at least.
This does not devalue hmv thor by having a rehash of the same design. It would have affected the values if it had a NEW and SUPERIOR design. So actually my thanks to blufans for PRESERVING the value of my 2 copies of HMV Thor! If it was a kick ass new design I would have been all over this. What next blufans rehash of FS Iron Man?
If people are worried about their HMV Thor dropping in value, just sell it now! Problem solved! If they don't want to sell it cos it's part of their collection, then why the hell does it matter if it goes up or down in price if you're not selling? Remember, it only cost £15/20 new once upon a time! :)

We often make decisions based on emotion... because hey.. we're human.

But from a purely logical standpoint, what Brad says above makes sense.
Iv'e got the HMV version and I'l be getting this hopefully, I'm a big fan of the movie though and I think this steel looks great, yes the front is similar but I really like the added clouds, nice touch IMO, the back art looks great too IMO, who knows what the inside art will look like, hopefully different to HMV'S which it prob will be anyway

yes ppl will be mad at this release for various reasons but for me anyway and some others its a very nice edition to have in the collection, I just hope the ppl who are moaning about it stick to their principles and don't order it but that's quite unlikely LOL, not saying everyone but certainly a few will buy it sell it on for crazy money and then complain later about how the original Thor went down in price, it all comes down to greed at the end of the day
If people are worried about their HMV Thor dropping in value, just sell it now! Problem solved! If they don't want to sell it cos it's part of their collection, then why the hell does it matter if it goes up or down in price if you're not selling? Remember, it only cost £15/20 new once upon a time! :)

We often make decisions based on emotion... because hey.. we're human.

But from a purely logical standpoint, what Brad says above makes sense.

That's what I did :hilarious: I sold my original and now I'm sittin and waitin for this :scat:
It's all about the packaging.Do we all wish the Blufans design was different? Of course we do but it's basically the same as the wordwide art.So once again, it is about the packaging.Even if their design was literally exactly the same as the previous release.I would still say that a Blufans or Kimchidvd release is automatically more valuable.I have no personal attachment to Thor.I would say this to any other title that is exact.So i will not be going back and forth to validate which is more valuable.Kimchidvd or Blufans will be more valuable and definitely feel more complete in my library.They are NUMBERED,front and rear art with an inside layout as well.It is the standard now from them.
Andy mentioned about having this one next to his HMV copy and would seem odd since they are so similar...well that's my I sold my copy :hilarious:
There's no room for 2 copies for this title in my collection.As minimal as it may be,it is an upgrade for me.The standards of steelbook collecting have risen the last year or so with a new criteria of checklists for highly regarded releases.
totally agreed... one more thing to keep in my all ninjas... it's just pieces of steels... and when we're gone you couldn't even take them with you (not even the spines :D)

thanks goufcustom... but I gotta say... comments like this never work. using this line of thinking, you could say that all steelbooks are just pieces of steel, no?

but this highly active and quite addicting crazy little hobby of steelbook collecting is something that we are passionate about, else we wouldn't be blowing up this forum with hundreds of threads and pictures and voting and mockups and whining and bitching and thanking and laughing.

so sure... we can't take it with us, of course. but before we go, we can sure enjoy these awesome collectibles of all these awesome movies while we're still here.

Having said that, I am pumped about this. I don't have the HMV, but even if I did, I think I'd take urbeenjammin's approach. This looks better IMO. With full gloss and that gorgeous red slip (the same BB slip that's been "rare" and coveted for years)... this steelbook will definitely hold it's own as a collector's Thor steel.

I don't have the HMV, but even if I did, I think I'd take urbeenjammin's approach. This looks better IMO. With full gloss and that gorgeous red slip (the same BB slip that's been "rare" and coveted for years)... this steelbook will definitely hold it's own as a collector's Thor steel.


I own the HMV version and still totally agree. With Rose tinted glasses removed this IS a nicer looking steel. The original is a stunningly elegant steel no doubt about it, but this finished in full gloss will wipe the floor with it! "IMO"

Will this have an effect on the price of the HMV version. 100% YES! Asian steels are more sought after in general, but a better finished, very limited and numbered version of an already highly sought after product will see a drop in price. It all depends really on how quickly this sells out. The HMV version is all over eBay but not new! It's an old steel and there are plenty of opened auctions but not that many for the sealed one. Those sealed ones will still be expensive but open ones will drop in price rapidly. Why buy an open one for silly prices when you can buy a brand new and full gloss version that actually is limited.

As for WEA I am a bit disappointed that Disney basically said this is all you can have. It would have been nice to see something new. That being said I will definitely still be buying this. Just the thought of a full gloss Thor is enough to make me smile. :D
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Idk man ...I dont think its fair to say this looks better yet till there are real pics in hand.

Not saying it cant ... but a lot of parts of steelbooks are not the same as yester-years. Like most steels from 2008. thicker gauge metal etc.

Until this one is NAKED ... I wont truly compare to old.

Also this wil have a slipcover over it... so most who wont open dont know if it had blemishes underneath. Least with all? old thor you could see front and spine for imperfections.

Personally I think it will be a sweet release for those who keep sealed... and would look great next to a thor Original.
Not saying it cant ... but a lot of parts of steelbooks are not the same as yester-years. Like most steels from 2008. thicker gauge metal etc.

That's the only part for me that could let this down. The original was made of far better material than steels these days. Their Face/Off is a cracking looking steel but when you pick it up you can instantly feel the difference between old and new. It looks amazing but doesn't quite feel amazing. :)
Yeah some good oldies that used thick is Hellboy 2 DE, death race DE(original) and one of the last TDK/BB france

awesome embossing/debossing due to thicker metal (same with IM FS)
That's the only part for me that could let this down. The original was made of far better material than steels these days. Their Face/Off is a cracking looking steel but when you pick it up you can instantly feel the difference between old and new. It looks amazing but doesn't quite feel amazing. :)

Then again we still get certain gems every now and then that feel like a steel tank... like Korea/Kimchi Tangled and Blufans Oz.

and since probably more than half of these will remain sealed (maybe forever), a good portion of collectors will just display it for the gorgeous red slip, knowing the awesomeness that remains hidden underneath.