Thor (3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Blufans Exclusive #14) [China]


Premium Supporter
Sep 25, 2012
Release date: April, 2015
Print run: 2000 (1300 for Lenticular & 700 for 1/4 slip)
Notes: 3D+2D region free discs. 3D disc is worldwide edition.
WEA embossed front steelbook with WEA full height lenticular slip cover.
Finish will be matte with spot gloss
Includes 4 postcards similar to IM finish.
Group buy: HDN Blufans Marvel GB


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even if blufans run the international site, sometimes very limited print run is not going for international site because local demand is so high.

I do not think Thor double package is going to live on international site.

also because when obtaining license many studios can give you option for license in their Country alone or world-wide ... in which case world wide can come at higher rate. My guess is many of their titles are license only for china hence their strong advertisement of such and thus GBs have been their way to go under radar where as a true listing on a site shipped world-wide could merit a cease order if Disney just so happens to see it or be notified of it.

I know the above as truth as I've been told such by studios on the phone.

I know of other retailers who have some work-arounds as well so it can be quite a tricky situation behind the scenes if you are going to be legit. (we are.)
I agree, a grail to me is something you can't find even on the bay. Expensive does not equal grail. It's just thousands of people wanting to make money. Thor artwork was released by dozens of places, the exact same artwork as hmv, it's not in the slightest a limited run, even if blufans did the exact same artwork, so what, every other retailer and country did. What's adding 500 or whatever the print run is to an already high print run. If this was any film other than Thor nobody would care. At least blufans has done the best they can to change it a little. Personally I prefer the back to this and the added clouds on the front, can't wait to see it on my shelf :)
Agree entirely mate & it's good to chat to a Sunderland HDN member
I am Mackem born & bred
Red & white through & through
It is still the same image on the front though which is the most important aspect of this Steelbook since most will probably keep it sealed. If the tiny change qualifies it as WEA, then the term is meaningless. That is why people are disappointed because when the term WEA is used, collectors think that means completely different artwork, not a rehash of a previous design with worse back artwork.

Snool I have come to love your statements and I mean that in a respective way. I mostly can find a binding with what you are saying and my own personal thoughts so please be open minded (which you are ) when reading what I think about WEA and this steelbook.

I believe that the word WEA in the Steelbook Lanuage should be compared to the word "Limited Edition" or just simply "Limited" . That word has also grown over time in the Steelbook aspect to mean nothing , not even worth the paper it was printed on or written on to begin with.

If the retailers use that word even when the print run is 10 tsd or more (obviously not limited , except to that amount of course) then I do believe a Retailer is allowed to use the word WEA (well actually the abbreviation) for an Artwork that is in FACT WEA , meaning there is no other steelbook worldwide of Thor with the Clouds on it. I mentioned the front Arwork because yes you are right that is defintly the center of attention if the steelbook is left closed.

Im not really saying that it is correct to use the word WEA but im also not saying that I don't agree with the terminology they are using.

At the beginning of the process I am MORE then sure that they were planning a WEA (in your sense of meaning) for the steelbook , but somewhere along the way Marvel decided otherwise (more then likely).

I look forward to further reading your comments in various Threads and PLEASE do not get too frustrated if things seem to "disappear" without warning as stuff like that has also happened to me :)

Take care

---------- Post added at 03:28 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:22 PM ----------

Agree entirely mate & it's good to chat to a Sunderland HDN member
I am Mackem born & bred
Red & white through & through

your just missing the color Blue :)

Take care
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yes not everyone can be positive all the time, but what is annoying is the people who want to get the artwork changed just so the Original Thor keeps its value which it will anyway and screw the rest of the people who like this which is selfish imo, Thor isn't rare anyway as about a million was released worldwide so what's a few more??

the only thing about this which is similar is the front but yet still quite different, back art different I'm sure inside art will be different also and a nice slipcase, but I'm sure all the people doing the moaning about it being the same will still buy it anyway,

its just pretty sad of people imo when they feel the need to run off to studios and retailers and throw their toys out their prams because they don't get their desired steelbook or if the artwork is similar or so they think to the original

the problem with your statement above - members here have shown their marketing power.

they have shown their ability to influence retailers, designs, and the hobby in general.

so by saying..."hey, this artwork is pretty much the same as the rest, but that's OK, who really cares, I'll buy one anyway"

that's what's going to kill this hobby - constant reprints of the same old artwork.

I don't care about value or what's it worth...but is pretty neat to have something limited that hasn't been done before.

that someone actually took a few moments to design...or to actually "fight" for that design to get a better product for the worldwide collector community.

I expect more, after seeing what BluFans has created for collectors before.

my 2 cents. :)
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the problem with your statement above - members here have shown their marketing power.

they have shown their ability to influence retailers, designs, and the hobby in general.

so by saying..."hey, this artwork is pretty much the same as the rest, but that's OK, who really cares, I'll buy one anyway"

that's what's going to kill this hobby - constant reprints of the same old artwork.

I don't care about value or what's it worth...but is pretty neat to have something limited that hasn't been done before.

that someone actually took a few moments to design...or to actually "fight" for that design to get a better product for the worldwide collector community.

my 2 cents. :)

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Thor HMV isn't that much of a grail anyway, they are on ebay every week.
A grail to me is something that is rare & to be kept and cherished & something you would not want to sell to someone else. If this was so precious they wouldn't be on ebay everyday of every week.

Yet when I search for it on ebay every once in a while, you constantly see the HMV Thor design have the price tag of at least $300 (American). And that is a *starting* price, not a '50+ bid price'.
how dare a company give people a chance to get a thor steelbook for a reasonable price

you do know their production cost is pennies on the dollar, right?

$65 average sale price, maybe $25-$30 production cost...but I guess that does beat ebay. :)

Thor was kicking around, worldwide for a very long time...and I don't disagree they printed a crap ton.

BUT, there are always new collectors that have missed out before...when does that cycle stop though?

Might as well give every person in the UK a copy at this rate... :hilarious:

Anyway, back on track. lol.
blufans statement about artwork was: we tried do completely new exclusive artwork but Disney/Marvel don't want that so we have a choice - use old one or cancel . In this terms i think they (blufans) do realy good work because with different finish(full gloss and debossing) will looks completely different than HMV if is stay that way -artwork is still not 100% confirm. blufans on ready hit Disney Wall i hope KimchiDvD can persuade them with Iron Man , . And PLEASE GIVE ME INCREDIBLE HULK STEELBOOK! !!!

mistake will be embossed:emb:
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BUT, there are always new collectors that have missed out before...when does that cycle stop though?

Might as well give every person in the UK a copy at this rate... :hilarious:

I understand your point, but that's quite a slippery slope. Honestly, I only see people complaining when it's a really valuable steel, like this and Iron Man. There are plenty of steels getting reprinted and resold by different retailers, but no one bats an eye unless something they own might go down in value (not you, just in general)
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I understand your point, but that's quite a slippery slope. Honestly, I only see people complaining when it's a really valuable steel, like this and Iron Man. There are plenty of steels getting reprinted and resold by different retailers, but no one bats an eye unless something they own might go down in value (not you, just in general)

I'm completely disappointed by WB. They have taken a poo all over the Batman franchise with all the reprints. :(

I don't know about people in general, I just keep track of my own self on stuff like this.

If it's a great design, I'm one of the first people posting about it and expressing my excitement.

But stuff like this is what makes me say "no thanks". I would gladly buy another unique design of my favorite steels (and many of those are worth less that what I paid to get them)
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I guess I'm saying it IS unique to the people who don't have one yet. And yours will still be unique because it's HMV.

Yeah, I guess we just agree to disagree.

Paying a premium for a slight change in the front artwork is something I'm not willing to do.

I understand there are plenty of people out there that will gobble these up, I just have no interest in supporting something lackluster.

Heck, if I'm going to open my steelbook, and display it next to my HMV copy, I want it to look different from the front on.

Just imagining what my wife would say..."Wait, the only difference from these two steelbooks is clouds in the background"? :hilarious:

I don't know about you, but when I put my favorites in a steelbook stand, I don't take the back and show that off as the "front" - I'm looking at the actual front 99% of the time.

If that's what I'm thanks.